

Iacchus is a name given to the god Dionysus when he participated in the Eleusinian Mysteries, in Greek mythology. In this context, he was considered to be the son of Zeus and Demeter. During the procession that started in Eleusis, Iacchus was the torch bearer and was thought to be the one who carries the child of the Goddess (Demeter). The name Iacchus also referred to the cries that were heard during the procession.

See Also: Dionysus, Zeus, Demeter

Iacchus Q&A

Who was Iacchus?

Iacchus is a name given to the god Dionysus when he participated in the Eleusinian Mysteries, in Greek mythology. In this context, he was considered to be the son of Zeus and Demeter.

Who were the parents of Iacchus?

The parents of Iacchus were Zeus and Demeter.

Iacchus Associations