

Glauce is a name given to various people in Greek mythology.

One of them was the daughter of Creon (king of Corinth) and wife of Jason. She and her father were murdered by Medea, who either sent a veil covered in flammable poison, or set the palace ablaze. In an effort to wash off the poison, Glauce threw herself into a well, which took her name.

Another Glauce was the daughter of Poseidon and Salamis, who married Actaeus and had a son, Telamon. Other figures by the name of Glauce exist in Greek mythology, who all played minor roles.

See Also: Jason, Medea, Poseidon, Actaeus, Telamon

Glauce Q&A

Who was Glauce?

Glauce is a name given to various people in Greek mythology. One of them was the daughter of Creon (king of Corinth) and wife of Jason.

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For MLA style citation use:, The Editors of Website. "Glauce". Website, 05 Sep. 2015, Accessed 28 April 2024.